There are 3 PhDs in our team. We conduct research in Applied Mathematics, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Control Systems, and Aerospace Engineering. The list of our publications is provided below.
Scientific Articles and Papers
Hambardzumyan S., Mkrtchyan V.V., Musoyan V.L., Sargsyan H. The Hardness of the Independence and Matching Clutter of a Graph // Opuscula Mathematica. – 2016 – Vol. 36, No. 3. – pp. 375–397.
Sargsyan H.E. On a Recursive Approach to the Solution of MINLA Problem // Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences. – 2014 – No. 1. – pp. 48–50.
Sargsyan H. On an Approximation Algorithm for MINLA Problem Restricted to Some Classes of Graphs // Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT) conference. – 3 pp.
Sargsyan H.E., Markosyan S.Ye. Linear Arrangement of the Transitive Oriented Graphs // Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences. – 2012 – No. 2. – pp. 50– 54.
Baghiyan A.H. Applications of photometric stereo in guidance and navigation of UAV. International Scientific and Practical Conference at Digital UAV Forum - 2019: International Forum on IT development, artificial intelligence and unmanned aerial vehicles. Collection of papers, 2019, p. 15.
Bakhtikyan I.S., Baghiyan A.H. Designing an Experiment of a Friction Model Derivation for Aerospace Applications. Bulletin of the State Engineering University of Armenia. Collection of scientific papers, 2019, Part 1, pp. 113-118.
Baghiyan A.H. Parametrization of the uncertainties in the dynamics of the target tracking systems of aircraft. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, Vol. 2046, No. 1, pp. 020006.
Baghiyan A.H. Data Fusion in the Problem of Programmed Tracking of Ground Objects from Aircraft. Bulletin of the State Engineering University of Armenia. Collection of scientific papers, 2018, Part 1, pp. 126-134.
Baghiyan A.H. Defining the Coordinates of a Tracked Ground Target in the Reference System SK-42 on the Aerial Vehicles. Bulletin of the State Engineering University of Armenia. Collection of scientific articles, 2017, Part 1, pp. 267-276.
Baghiyan A.H., Gasparyan O.N. Programmed Tracking of Arbitrarily Detected Stationary Ground Object from Aerial Vehicle. 10th Anniversary All-Russian Scientific-Technical Conference "Problems of Improving Robotic and Intelligent Systems of Aircraft". Collection of Papers, 2015, pp. 37-41.
Baghiyan A.H. High-Precision Sensor of Quaternion. 22nd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems. Collection of Papers, 2015, pp. 433-436.
Baghiyan A.H. Prospective Issues of Designing Autonomous Systems of Flight Control. 12th scientific conference of faculty staff at ARM MoD Military Institute after V. Sargsyan. Abstracts, 2014. pp. 42-43.
Baghiyan A.H. Design of Robust Controllers of Systems for Ground Target Tracking by Aircraft with Application of PID Control. 13th International Conference "Aviation and Cosmonautics - 2014". Abstracts, 2014, pp. 481-482.
Baghiyan A.H. On the Uncertainties in Dynamics of the Ground Target Tracking Systems from Aircraft. Proceedings of NAS RA and SEUA. Series of Technical Sciences, 2014, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 244-253.
Baghiyan A.H. On a Property of Normalized Quaternions. Haykakan Banak (Armenian Army), 2013, No. 3-4, pp. 78-86.
Baghiyan A.H. Kocharyan S.A. Ground Stationary Target Tracking by Aircraft. Haykakan Banak (Armenian Army), 2013, No. 1-2, pp. 68-75.
Baghiyan A.H. Improving the accuracy of Programmed Tracking of Ground Objects from Aircraft Using Kalman Filter. Bulletin of the State Engineering University of Armenia. Collection of scientific articles, 2013, Part 1, pp. 213-218.
Baghiyan A.H. Strapdown System for Programmed Tracking Ground Objects from Aerial Vehicles. Bulletin of the State Engineering University of Armenia. Collection of scientific articles, 2012, Part 1, pp. 322-326.
Baghiyan A.H. Quaternion-Based Algorithm of Ground Target Tracking by Aircraft. Gyroscopy and Navigation, 2012, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 28-34.
Baghiyan A.H. Application of Quaternion in the Problem of Programmed Tracking of Ground Objects from Aerial Vehicles. Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya (Gyroskopy and Navigation), 2011, No. 4, pp. 11-22.
Baghiyan A.H. On the Accuracy of the System of Programmed Tracking Ground Objects from Aerial Vehicles. The Competition of Scientific and Technical Works and Projects "Youth and the Future of Aeronautics and Astronautics". Summaries, 2011, p. 80.
Baghiyan A.H. Robust Autotracking of Objects from Aerial Vehicles Based on Quaternions. Proc of the International Young Scientists’ Conference "Korolyov's Readings", Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Man’s First Space Flight, 2011, p. 27.
Baghiyan A.H. The Method of Optimizing the Solid Propellant Rocket Engines. Haykakan Banak (Armenian Army), 2011, No. 1-2, pp. 143-151. Gasparyan O.N., Baghiyan A.H. Programmed Control in the Problem of Ground Object Tracking from Aerial Vehicles. Information Technologies and Management, 2011, No. 3, pp. 234-240.
Baghiyan A.H. Robust Control in the Problem of Object Tracking from Aerial Vehicles. Collection of Reports from 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Urgent Issues of Contemporary Equipment and Technology”, 2010, pp. 15-16.
Baghiyan A.H., Skrynnikov A.A. Ballistics of Damaging Fragmentation Elements. Proc Air Force Engineering Academy after Professor N.Y. Zhukovsky. Aircraft Armament, 2007, pp. 113-119.
Davydov V.I., Baghiyan A.H. Stabilization of the Laser Beam in Ground Targets Illumination Process. Proc Air Force Engineering Academy after Professor N.Y. Zhukovsky. Aircraft Armament, 2007, pp. 59-63.
Baghiyan A.H. Filtering the Initial Conditions Required to Solve the Equations of the Algorithm Programmed Control Laser Beam. All-Russian Scientific-Technical SchoolSeminar "The transfer, processing and displaying information about fast processes”, 2007, pp. 24-27.
Skrynnikov A.A., Baghiyan A.H. Estimation of Speed of Damaging Fragmentation Elements on Their Flight Trajectory. Anniversary All-Russian Scientific-Technical SchoolSeminar “The transfer, processing and displaying information”, 2007, pp. 69-71.
Davydov V.I., Baghiyan A.H. An Algorithm for Programmed Control of Laser Beam for Illumination of Ground Targets. Anniversary All-Russian Scientific-Technical SchoolSeminar “The transfer, processing and displaying information”, 2007, pp. 11-13.
Baghiyan A.H. Stabilization of the Laser Beam for Illumination of Ground Targets. 8 th Scientific Conference on Aviation, Dedicated to the Memory of N.Y. Zhukovsky. Materials. Part 1, 2007, pp. 137-138.
Baghiyan A.H., Skrynnikov A.A., Voronko O.V., Dorofeyev V.A., Pominov V.N. Analitic Representation of Drag Coefficient of Fragmentation Elements. Boepripasy (Ammunition), 2007, No. 1, pp. 15-17.
Skrynnikov A.A., Baghiyan A.H. Ballistics of Damaging Fragmentation Elements. AllRussian Scientific-Technical School-Seminar "The transfer, processing and displaying information about fast processes”, 2006, pp. 221-225.
Scientific and Technical Works
Sargsyan H.E. Numbering of vertices of directed graphs. PhD Thesis. Yerevan State University, Yerevan, 2014.
Baghiyan A.H. Robust Control System Design for Ground Target Tracking by Aircraft. PhD Thesis. State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan, 2014. – 151 pp.
Baghiyan A.H. Programmed Tracking of Ground Targets by Aircraft. Military Aviation Institute, Yerevan, 2013. – 36 pp.
Baghiyan A.H. Laser Designator and Range-Finder of Attack Aircraft with Programmed Tracking of Targets. Thesis. Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, 2008. – 141 pp.
Baghiyan A.H. Programmed Control of the Laser Beam for Illumination of Ground Targets. Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, 2008. – 42 pp.
Baghiyan A.H. Analysis of Influence of Randomness of Motion Parameters of Fragments on Efficiency and Safety of Operational Use. Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, 2008. – 36 pp.
Baghiyan A.H. Method of One-Parameter Optimization of Solid Propellant Rocket Motors. Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, 2007. – 40 pp.
Chapters in Books
Aram Baghiyan (May 4th 2020). Flight Vehicle Performance [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92105. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/72028
Aram Baghiyan. Mathematical Basics and Applications of Quaternions. Understanding Quaternions. Nova Publishers (October 9th 2020). https://novapublishers.com/shop/understanding-quaternions/
Improvement Suggetions
Software Suite for Solving the Task of Sighting for Bombing in Manual Mode from Aircraft Su-25. Yerevan, 2014.
Portable Device for Testing Launch Circuit of S-13 Rocket Missile on Aircraft Su-25 and Helicopters Mi-8 and Mi-24. Yerevan, 2011.
Scientific and Popular Articles
Balayan D.K., Baghiyan A.H., Gasparyan O.N., Zakaryan A.Z. On Several Issues of Development of Surveillance and Sighting Systems of Aircraft. Gitutyan Ashkharum (In the World of Science), 2015, No. 3, pp. 54-60.
Implemented Scientific Libraries and Algorithms for Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Medical Applications Using Listed Below Papers
Improvement of the Accuracy of Deep Neural Network Models for Gun Detection Using Synthetic Data
Gradl S., Kugler P., Lohmuller C., Eskofier B. Real-time ECG monitoring and arrhythmia detection using Android-based mobile devices. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2012, pp. 2452–2455.
Dutta D.N., Dar R., Pal S. Automated Real-Time Processing of Single Lead ECG for Simultaneous Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Monitoring. Journal of Medical Devices, 2017, Vol 11, No. 2, pp. – 6 pp.
Boyle J., Bidargaddi N., Sarela A., Karunanithi M. Automatic Detection of Respiration Rate From Ambulatory Single-Lead ECG. IEEE Transactions of Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2009, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 890-896.
Jiawei Bai, Chongzhi Di, Luo Xiao, Kelly R. Evenson, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Ciprian M. Crainiceanu, David M. Buchner. An Activity Index for Raw Accelerometry Data and Its Comparison with Other Activity Metrics. PLoS ONE, 11(8): e0160644. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160644.
Kangas M., Konttila A., Lindgren P., Winblad I., Jämsä T. Comparison of low-complexity fall detection algorithms for body attached accelerometers. Gait and Posture, 2008, No 28, pp. 285-291.
Bogdan Kwolek, Michal Kepski, Human fall detection on embedded platform using depth maps and wireless accelerometer, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 117, Issue 3, December 2014, Pages 489-501.
Kirchner J., Schild S., Fischer G. Detection of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Use in a Wearable Telemedical System. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2017, p. 1-6pp.
M.K. Ali Hassan, M.Y. Mashor, N.F. Mohd Nasir, S. Mohamed. Measuring of Systolic Blood Pressure Based On Heart Rate. 4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2008. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 21, pp.595–598.
Rajeev Agarwal, Jean Gotman, Danny Flanagan, Bernard Rosenblatt, Automatic EEG analysis during long-term monitoring in the ICU, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 107, Issue 1, 1998, Pages 44-58.
Y. Wang and R. Agarwal, "Automatic Detection of Burst Suppression," 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, 2007, pp. 553-556.
G. Gritsch, M. Hartmann, H. Perko, F. Fürbaß and T. Kluge, "Automatic seizure detection based on the activity of a set of current dipoles: First steps," 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, 2012, pp. 2853-2856.
F. Fürbass, M.M. Hartmann, J.J. Halford, J. Koren, J. Herta, A. Gruber, C. Baumgartner, T. Kluge, Automatic detection of rhythmic and periodic patterns in critical care EEG based on American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) standardized terminology, Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 45, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 203-213.
F. Fürbaß et al., "Combining time series and frequency domain analysis for a automatic seizure detection," 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, 2012, pp. 1020-1023.
Herta, J. et al. Prospective assessment and validation of rhythmic and periodic pattern detection in NeuroTrend: A new approach for screening continuous EEG in the intensive care unit. Epilepsy & Behavior, Volume 49, 273 - 279.
I. Daly, R. Scherer, M. Billinger and G. Müller-Putz, "FORCe: Fully Online and Automated Artifact Removal for Brain-Computer Interfacing," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 725-736, Sept. 2015.
Yvain Quéau, Richard Modrzejewski, Pierre Gurdjos, Jean-Denis Durou, A full photometric and geometric model for attached webcam/matte screen devices, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 40, 2016, Pages 65-81․
C. Yeh, F. Li, G. Pastorelli, M. Walton, A. K. Katsaggelos and O. Cossairt, "Shape-fromShifting: Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo with a Mobile Device," 2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Auckland, 2017, pp. 551-558.
Quéau Y., Wu T., Cremers D. (2017) Semi-calibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo. In: Lauze F., Dong Y., Dahl A. (eds) Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision. SSVM 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10302. Springer, Cham․
Quéau, Y., Durix, B., Wu, T. et al. LED-Based Photometric Stereo: Modeling, Calibration and Numerical Solution. J Math Imaging Vis 60, 313–340 (2018).